What is the definition of insanity? Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result, right?
How many times are black people going to place their eggs in a Clinton basket and expect something different?
Other than play the saxophone and have an office in Harlem, why do we love Bill, and other than being married to Bill, why do we love Hillary?
As much as we all loved to call Bill Clinton the “First Black President,” my good friend, prominent Tallahassee attorney Chuck Hobbs broke it down rather well when he wrote this:
“Don’t get me wrong, I respected some aspects of Clinton’s presidency, but his legacy with respect to race included not only advocating causes that gutted high-paying blue collar jobs in the Midwest (NAFTA) and others that imprisoned more black men than ever. He and his wife also joined in lock step with Newt Gingrich in promulgating “welfare reform” that made black mothers who were already catching hell to raise their kids catch even more hell.”
You can read Chuck Hobbs’ article in its entirety here.
During Hillary Clinton’s 2008 primary race against Barack Obama, her true colors, as well as Bill’s, started to show. They are all for black people as long as we are asking how high when they say jump.
When the issue came up of Florida and Michigan breaking the rules and being punished for it, Hillary Clinton kept quiet. She allowed her surrogates to advocate for cheating. Even Donna Brazile famously said that when you want to change the rules in the middle of the game, it’s called cheating. Hillary Clinton wanted to win at all costs, and she didn’t care who she had to roll over to do it. Even her supporters got downright rabid. Remember Harriet Christian and her “inadequate black man” rant?
There are still those who say Hillary and her camp were the source of the Jeremiah Wright scandal. She wanted to damage Obama however she could.
They say Hillary and her camp helped fuel the birth certificate issue, even though she knew it was a non-issue, she wanted to damage Obama anyway she could.
The infamous 3 a.m. ad she ran was a thinly veiled racist swipe at Obama, because while your little white children are sleeping, this black man couldn’t possibly protect them.
Bill Clinton, who hilariously enough was jealous that Obama was going to be the REAL first black president, tried to demean him as only a black candidate in South Carolina and tried to brush him off as nothing.
When Bill Clinton thought Rep. James Clyburn was “pulling strings” behind the scenes in South Carolina, where Hillary Clinton lost to Obama, he said to Clyburn, “If you bastards want a fight, you damn well will get one”.
Don’t believe me, hear it from Clyburn’s own lips here.
Black people need to realize when they are appreciated, and when they are being used.
If Hillary Clinton wasn’t whipping/nae-naeing, dabbing, and whatnot before, why do it now?
Hillary knows that what is saving her butt now is the African-American community.
The only reason THAT is the case is because her NAME is familiar. I want her GAME to be familiar as well. It isn’t as fun as y’all think it is.
We talk about how our African-American men are disproportionately behind bars, and here Hillary Clinton is, taking large sums of money from the private prison industry.
She talks a lot about her advocacy for children -- black children, Latino children, etc., but at the same time, she supports policies that send the parents of those children to jail.

I guess that makes the private prison industry folks who line her pockets happy, right?
What irks me most of all are the endorsements of the families of Trayvon Martin, Jordan Davis, and Eric Garner. These families have become OUR families in a way. Clinton knows that. I feel she is using that to get our votes via our empathy and sympathy for those families and the tragedies they suffered.
What is Hillary going to do next? Find the family of Emmett Till and send out an endorsement letter from them? I think if it were not for the fact that Sandra Bland’s family KNOWS the sincerity of Bernie Sanders -- he did what he did with them outside the public eye -- Hillary Clinton would have tried to get HER family to send out an endorsement letter.
I would imagine if Bernie Sanders asked that family to endorse him, they would. But it appears as though he is above using tragedy for personal gain.
Not Hillary Clinton.
The Latino community had it right when they told her that she was not their abuela.
Black folks, she ain’t your Madea, Harriet Tubman, Sista Souljah, Ride-or-die, or none of that.
I’m beginning to think she isn’t even your friend.
Leslie Wimes is president and founder of Women on the Move and the Democratic African American Women Caucus, www.daawc.com. She lives in Palm Beach County. This commentary is reprinted from Wimes' Women on the Move website with the author's permission.